Thursday, November 17, 2016

Traveling Advent Calendar

This is the first time we are having an Advent Calendar.  We thought it would be a great idea to help prepare the Little One for Christmas. But since we will also be traveling for the Holidays, I thought of putting together a calendar that would be easy to pack and carry along.

I asked the Little One for some help in stamping the envelopes with dates/ numbers.  It was a nice activity. We practiced counting from 1 to 25 as she pointed to the numbers she helped stamped.

We punched a hole on each envelope and then placed them in a post screw as this will be easy enough to just place in any of my bags. :-)

I plan on filling each of these small envelopes with a bible verse and the corresponding symbol of the Christmas story. Hopefully, the Little One will appreciate each surprise as Christmas day approaches.

I found two wonderful sites ( and ) where you can download free printable Christmas Story verses!

I shall be hunting down the following things to put inside these small envelopes:

1. Angel Wings/feathers (Luke 1:26-27)
2.  Guardian Angel Pin (Luke 1:30)
3.  Blank Name Stickers (Luke 1:31)
4. Purple Cloth (Luke 1:32)
5. Heart (Luke1:38/ Luke 2:19)
6. Chocolate Coins (Luke 2:1)
7.  Donkey Toy (Luke 2:3)
8. 2 Rings (engagement of Mary and Joseph) (Luke 2:4-5)
9. White Cloth (Luke 2:6)
10. Dry Grass/Leaves (Luke 2:7)
11. Cotton/ Sheep (Luke 2:8)
12. Music Notes (Luke 2:9)
13. Peace Sign (Luke 2:10)
14. Cross Pendant (Luke 2:11)
15. Baby Toy  (Luke 2:12)
16. Peace Sign (Luke 2:14)
17. Small Bells (Luke 2:15-18)
18. Chocolate Rocks (Psalm 95:6-7)
19. Crown/Rhinestones (Matthew 2:1)
20. Star (Matthew 2:2)
21. Manger (Matthew 2:11a)
22. 3 Gifts (Matthew 2:11b)
23.  Earth Sticker (John 3:16)
24.  Happy Face Stickers (2 Corinthians 9:15)
25.  "JESUS" Birthday Candle

What do you think of my list? Any suggestions and would you know where I can get them?

Let me know what your Advent Calendar would be like this year too. I would love to hear your ideas as well.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Chameleon Paperplate Craft for Children

We have been reading "Hello Jungle" by Andrew Everitt-Stewart and "The Mixed-Up Chameleon" by Eric Carle.

If you don't have Eric Carle's book, you can also watch it  here on youtube.

People used to believe that chameleons change colors as a camouflage from predators. Recent research shows that chameleons change color to reflect their moods. By doing so, they send social signals to other chameleons. For example, darker colors tend to mean a chameleon is angry. Lighter colors might be used to attract mates.

Some chameleons also change colors to help their bodies adjust to changes in temperature or light. For example, a chameleon that gets cold might change to a darker color to absorb more heat and warm its body.

For our own colorful chameleon craft we used:
2 paper plates (the one underneath we painted different colors and the one on top we cut out a chameleon outline)
1 round fastener
1 big eye (or you can just draw one in)
Pentel Pen (to outline the chameleon)
Acrylic Paint
Cutter (adult supervision required)

The Little One had so much fun making this craft. Afterwards, she enjoyed turning the paper plate around and seeing all the different combination of colors. No two chameleon pattern was alike. 😊

The only hard thing for her was to wait patiently for the paint to dry. And patience is what we need to keep working on. 😊

Friday, November 11, 2016

Honesty Is My Cup of Tea

A couple of months ago after one of our Sunday Service, my husband and I went to the mall to have some "couple" time with each other. After the usual window shopping, we decided to have a coffee/tea break before heading back home.

As usual, he ordered coffee and I had tea.

When we got home, I realized that my cellphone was missing.  My husband suggested that I may have left it in the car.  But I was sure that I never took out my cellphone nor used it in the car.  Hence, the logical thing really is that I have left it at the cafe/restaurant where I remembered using it last.

I quickly looked for the number of the cafe/restaurant while my husband tried calling my cellphone number with the hope that the one who has it would take the call.  But no one answered.
I found the website of the cafe but the number in their official website just kept on ringing.

My husband was ready to give up and was close to losing hope of ever finding the cellphone. I, on the other hand, was still quite hopeful.  Good thing, I found another number for the cafe and this time, someone did answer!  The person who answered confirmed that I have left the cellphone and that I only needed to pick it up.

It was a hassle to go back all the way to the mall but I am really glad that there are honest people around!

Which also reminds me of the time I lost my Charriol bracelet at Longwood Gardens in Philadelphia. Can you imagine that? And yes, that too, was returned to me! All the way from the USA back to the Philippines! But that's another story altogether.

So, I leave you with this:

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

James 1:12 KJV

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Traveling With Children

Lots of parents fear that traveling with children (especially when they are very young) can be quite difficult.  I won't tell you that it is not without any inconvenience but those things can be managed by some careful planning.

Our Little One took her first plane ride a month after her first birthday! I was apprehensive because I did not want to be "that Mom with a screaming, crying baby" on her lap all through-out the plane ride. But more importantly, I wanted my Little One to truly enjoy her first plane ride! Why? Because I knew this was going to set the tone for our future family adventures.

Then: See how happy our Little One was during her first airplane ride.

Preparation is Key

Many things can happen when you travel with a child. So, you've got to be prepared for anything and everything.


Then and up to now, every time there is an upcoming trip, we take the time to visit our pediatrician.  She's the best person to tell us if our Little One is healthy enough to travel and if she would need a vaccine, especially if we will be traveling to another country.

On our Little One's first airplane ride, our pediatrician prescribed and recommended Benadryl, which she said I could give the Little One an hour before departure time just in case I needed to calm her and relieve her ears from cabin pressure. Thankfully, the Little One did not need that nor has she ever needed it.

Change in cabin pressure may result in discomfort and clogging of the ears of the child. To prevent this from happening, I feed the Little One during take-off and landing as the sucking and the chewing relieves sensitive ears. Now that she's a little bit older, she can do a fake yawn and she's very good at it.

I also pack Little One's baby book with her medical records. Remember to bring along her daily vitamins, paracetamol and thermometer.

Baby Food and Water

Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, bring enough supplies. Most airlines allow breastmilk and filled bottles as well as baby food to be hand-carried. You just have to check airline regulations as to the amount of liquid you can hand-carry. The rest, you have to check-in.  If that means you have to get an ice-cooler, invest in one.

Baby ClothesDiapers, Potty,  and Toiletries

Some children get cold easily while others are sweaty. By dressing in layers, we can easily take off or put on the necessary amount of clothes to make our children feel comfortable.

Depending on the occasion and the weather, I pack more than enough clothes for the Little One. Clothes get soiled easily as children tend to play everywhere (and play with anything and everything even with their food). I think having a packing list will be truly helpful (Mental note to blog about that soon).

And if the Little One is not yet potty-trained, you'll need to pack diapers enough to last the entire trip or ask the receptionist as soon as you check-in where the nearest grocery or pharmacy to be able to get those diapers.

If potty-trained, then a traveling-potty should also be packed. We really like those padded potties that you fit on top of the regular toilets.  It's so handy and they come in many designs too.

I am sure we're all partial to certain soaps, shampoos, lotions, and toothpastes for our little ones. Bring them along especially if your child has sensitive skin. You'll never know what type of toiletries the hotel will provide.

Strollers, Prams, Baby Carriers

If you anticipate lots of walking, then bring a stroller/pram/baby carrier with you. Airlines allow strollers and prams to be checked-in at the gate so you can actually use them while at the airport and waiting for boarding time. Also, strollers and prams are one of the first things off the planes.  In some instances, as soon as you disembark, your stroller/pram is right outside the airplane doors right beside the wheelchairs. :-)

Toys/ Entertainment

Always bring a toy or something to entertain a child.  Children love to play. That's what they are meant to do!  There will be a lot of waiting in the airport, hotel lobby, inside the airplane, at the restaurant and even inside your hotel room, and a lonely child would become horrid when there is nothing to do.

I look out for other families with children too and try to encourage my Little One to play with the other children. If you're lucky, some airports even have play rooms.

If there are no children in sight, I carry small plastic toys, clay, pen and paper or even just bring out the car keys to engage the Little One while waiting.


Make sure that even the itinerary would be suitable for children.  There are many family-friendly hotels and resorts, you'll just have to find one.  I love hotels that have playrooms or family rooms where kids can play with toys and with each other while one or both parents can have some time to do adult things.

The swimming pool or the beach is always the biggest attraction! What child doesn't like to play with and in the water.  So bringing along inflatable toys and swimwear for both the child and yourself is a must.


Travel allows our family to collect memories instead of things. 

We want to raise a storyteller who will have more stories to share than things to show. 

Indeed, life is one great adventure.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Five Home Remedies for Cough and Colds for Toddlers and Children

It is very difficult when the Little One gets sick. Now that the rainy season is upon us, the Little One has been down with either the colds or the cough or both.  In any case, it can be tough for us, moms, as usually the symptoms get worse during the night (or when the air conditioning unit is turned on).

I was a bit concerned that the Little One has been getting sick with cough and colds one after another that I already brought her to her pediatrician.  Thankfully, she only got the common cough and colds and would not need antibiotics for it.  Her pediatrician also assured me that children usually get 4 up to 10 incidence of cough and colds in a year. And by our count, we've only had 4 bouts this year. Hurrah for small victories!

To help her recover fast and to ease her symptoms, here are the 5 things that helped us:

1. Cold Air Humidifier

Coughing fits get worse during the night especially when the air is cold and dry.  A humidifier provides a bit of moisture in the air to facilitate breathing.

We really love Curtis the Cow! Isn't he cute? This humidifier does not need a filter so, just fill it up with distilled water so that the cold mist would be free from small dirt particles (and to prevent water stains from accumulating in the chamber).

Whenever we travel, we also bring along Crane's travel humidifier.  This small humidifier requires a filter so, you can just use tap water.  We never leave home without it as you'll never know if you'll end up with a stuffy hotel room or not. 

2. Honey

A lot of websites would say that any form of honey would be good for itchy throats.  And that is essentially true as it does provide relief and even tastes really good. (Note that you shouldn't be giving honey to  a child less than two years old.)

But not all honey are created equal! 

Manukau Honey from New Zealand are especially made with specific anti-bacterial properties.  So, not only does it tastes really well, smells really good, provides relief from itchy throats but also heals you with its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties.

3. Vapor Rub

This one might be a bit controversial. Old wives tale, they say.  But we have done this!  My Little One enjoys having her chest, back and soles of her feet rubbed.  She even says it tickles! And we eventually have a laughing fit over it.  So, yes, we love this little ritual! Plus the mentholated rub eases her stuffy nose!

4.  Nasal Spray/ Nebulizer/ Hot Shower or Hot Steam

When the Little One was an infant, it was pretty easy to just use the nasal spray on her. She would give a little twitch surprised by the quick spray of saline solution up her nostril and I could easily hold her down in my arms then. But now that she's grown, she doesn't really like the feeling of having a nasal spray jabbed at her nostrils. So, we have switched tactics and nebulize with 2.5ml. 0.9 NaCl solution (basically just salt dissolved in water).  While it takes more time to nebulize than to do the nasal spray, we take that extra time than not doing anything to help de-clog her nose from snots and mucous.

Another way is to have hot running water from the shower, lock the bathroom door and  create a steam.  Much like having your own sauna! Ha!Ha! Honestly, I have only done this twice when the Little One was still an infant.  I just can't bear the thought of all that water going to waste.

I remember as a child that my parents would boil water, place it in a basin, and instruct me to put my face over the water and then cover me with a towel. Come to think of it, it was like having a face spa done! It worked well for me then. And I am sure it would work well still. I just worry about the Little One being scalded so maybe we'll get to try this when the nebulizer isn't available and the Little One is a bit older.

5. Vitamin C and Zinc

Well, I am sure you know this already!

Vitamin C help shorten the duration of colds while Zinc helps the immune system fight the colds by boosting production of enzymes.

When the Little One is going down with something and I know her immune system is flagging, this is my go-to remedy! I make her drink and eat fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamins C and Zinc.  It may be a struggle for me to feed the Little One so I resort to supplements.  There are so many in the market these days but I am loyal to Ceelin Plus because the Little One loves its taste.

So, finally, let me leave you with this prayer:

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

3 John 1:2 (NIV)


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Staying Safe Under the Sun

Misibis Bay 
Cagrayray Island, Bacaycay, Albay
May 2013

It's SUMMER! For me, that means trips to exotic places and beaches to enjoy the sunny weather but for my husband, that means looking for  much cooler places to discover.  While we might not agree on our travel preferences (we always end up with a happy compromise), there is one thing we both agree on and that is we can never have enough protection against SUN DAMAGE.

How do we stay safe under the SUN?

First, we don't forget to use our SUNBLOCK/ SUNSCREEN. Whether we are just going to the office or merely staying at home, we make sure that we put on additional protection especially for our faces. Did you know that even indoor lighting can age our skin? Well, I didn't... until the dermatologist told me.  And with this El Nino phenomenon, we need it more than ever. 

I personally love using VMV Hypoallergenics Armada Face Cover 30 as an everyday sun screen. To state the obvious, it is hypoallergenic so you don't have to worry if you have sensitive skin and provides a Sun Protection Factor 30 (SPF30).  I really hate the sticky texture of some sun block and I am glad that this one is light and silky smooth when you put it on your skin. While the cream itself is white, it does have a very slight yellowish tint once you put it on your face. But not really a deal breaker since it can easily be covered by a light foundation or powder.

But, whenever we go swimming or biking or engage in some other sport activity, I like to use VMV Hypoallergenics Armada Sport 70.  This one can be used for both the face and the body.  And just like my everyday sun screen it is hypoallergenic, can be easily applied as it is not too creamy and sticky in texture.  What I love about this is that it carries with it a higher SPF 70 and it is water-resistant! That means we can engage in water sports and not worry about losing sun protection even underwater. My daughter also loves Armada Sport 70 because it doesn't sting in the eyes. And that, I believe, is the most important thing for a toddler. :-)

My husband has very sensitive skin which is prone to acne. He prefers to use Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock SPF 50+. It is creamy and goes on smooth on the skin. We have used this for both our bodies and faces and we have never had any pimple breakouts because of it. It is waterproof so you can use it while engaging in water sports and other sports activities. But, beware, it can sting the eyes once you start sweating!  So, my daughter and I will definitely stick with Armada Sport for our faces and use this Neutrogena for our bodies only.

For a cheaper alternative, we've also tried Dermplus INVISIlite TPF50++ (Triple Protection Factor). What I love about this is that it comes in a spray. It is just soooo easy to apply. You spray it on your hands or directly to your body and just spread it all over and you're done. Easy peasy. I also like the fact that you look so shiny with that oil all over your body. May be a bit sticky, yes, but you'll have that fresh shiny oil glow! It also has a very faint scent which is quite appealing.  We've never used it on our faces though so this is mainly just for the body. 

White Rock
Clark, Subic Bay
April 2015

Second, even with sun screen, we also try to use a HAT and  SUNGLASSES whenever we are out in the sun.  

Las Casas de Acuzar
Bagac, Bataan
March 2016
And let's not forget that umbrellas are not just for the rainy days!

Third, we never forget to bring our WATER BOTTLES! It might be inconvenient to bring a water bottle/ jug everywhere but it is the best way to ensure that we stay hydrated. There are so many styles and designs out there in the market that I am sure you'll find something that will suit you.  

So, here's to staying safe this summer!

And as Olaf said: "Let's Bring Back Summer!"

P.S. This is an honest review of the products mentioned here. No one paid me to write this post. I bought the products using my own money too.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Les Miserables in Manila

It has been three years since we saw the movie "Les Miserables." Last weekend, my husband and I took time to watch the musical which was having a run here in Manila.

Can I just say that this story never grows old! No matter how many times I have read and watched it, there is always something new that I learn from it and it never fails to bring me to tears.

It was my first time to watch at The Theater in Solaire Resorts and Casino.  It is not as huge as the CCP or that of its competitor Resorts World.  The Press Release says that there is no bad seat in this theater but I  can imagine that those seated on rows A-F on the left and right sides of the stage must have had stiff-necks from not only for slightly looking up but also for looking to one side.  I would think that they got a limited view of the stage especially if one is seated nearest to the side exit doors.

We were, fortunately, seated on the center middle row with seats N18-19. I would think that this had a nice view of the entire stage.  Hence, close enough to see the facial features of the actors but not too close to be spitted upon. (Haha!) Those seats are close enough to the orchestra pit to see the conductor and to fully appreciate the music.

Of course, being Filipinos, we can't help but have high expectations as we watched Rachelle Ann Go. First off, I must say that she must be exhausted. While not playing Fantine, I could see her being part of the "crowd"/ chorus.  And news says that she promised to sing in all the shows. No wonder she got sick a couple of weeks back!

I think Ms. Go's acting could still be improved. The consensus among those who have seen the musical is that she looked like she was acting like an Old Woman instead of a Sick Woman at the dock. (Haha!)

The other members of the cast were all tremendously good. So, it really was a great show. If you could watch it, you should.  The show runs until May 1 2016.

At whatever stage in life you are in, I am sure you would find something of value when you do come to watch the musical or when you do read Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.

I remember that when I was still in High School, it appealed to my childish fantasy about romantic love and I felt so much empathy with Eponine and her unrequited love for Marius.

As an ideal youth, the songs of the young men in the barricade and their love for country resonated with me.

Older now and hopefully a bit wiser, I am beginning to understand the moral struggle of Inspector Javert. I am also overwhelmed in the knowledge that God's grace can change any man even a convict like Jean Valjean.

As a mother, now, while I sat in the theater, I am attracted to Fantine, because like her  I will do anything for my daughter.



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