Monday, January 21, 2013

Our Works vs. God's Grace

My husband and I watched Les Miserables last Saturday (January 19, 2013) and up to now I can't take "Stars" out of my mind. It is indeed a beautiful song! I cried when Javert died! 
I realized that if we see God as a stern Judge, we tend to be more judgmental and less forgiving, even to ourselves (like Javert). Oftentimes (like Javert), when we do something good, we are proud of what we've done. Surely, God is pleased when we feed the hungry, clothed the naked, free those in prison and do what is just and good (Matthew 25:36). But we cannot rely on our own good works, obedience and virtue alone for they are all useless and dirty rags in the eyes of God (Isaiah 64:6). I am glad that we are not saved by our own righteousness or good deeds (because I will most probably fail) but by GRACE, through FAITH (Ephesians 2:8). What a wonderful gift of God! :-)



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