Saturday, November 5, 2016

Traveling With Children

Lots of parents fear that traveling with children (especially when they are very young) can be quite difficult.  I won't tell you that it is not without any inconvenience but those things can be managed by some careful planning.

Our Little One took her first plane ride a month after her first birthday! I was apprehensive because I did not want to be "that Mom with a screaming, crying baby" on her lap all through-out the plane ride. But more importantly, I wanted my Little One to truly enjoy her first plane ride! Why? Because I knew this was going to set the tone for our future family adventures.

Then: See how happy our Little One was during her first airplane ride.

Preparation is Key

Many things can happen when you travel with a child. So, you've got to be prepared for anything and everything.


Then and up to now, every time there is an upcoming trip, we take the time to visit our pediatrician.  She's the best person to tell us if our Little One is healthy enough to travel and if she would need a vaccine, especially if we will be traveling to another country.

On our Little One's first airplane ride, our pediatrician prescribed and recommended Benadryl, which she said I could give the Little One an hour before departure time just in case I needed to calm her and relieve her ears from cabin pressure. Thankfully, the Little One did not need that nor has she ever needed it.

Change in cabin pressure may result in discomfort and clogging of the ears of the child. To prevent this from happening, I feed the Little One during take-off and landing as the sucking and the chewing relieves sensitive ears. Now that she's a little bit older, she can do a fake yawn and she's very good at it.

I also pack Little One's baby book with her medical records. Remember to bring along her daily vitamins, paracetamol and thermometer.

Baby Food and Water

Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, bring enough supplies. Most airlines allow breastmilk and filled bottles as well as baby food to be hand-carried. You just have to check airline regulations as to the amount of liquid you can hand-carry. The rest, you have to check-in.  If that means you have to get an ice-cooler, invest in one.

Baby ClothesDiapers, Potty,  and Toiletries

Some children get cold easily while others are sweaty. By dressing in layers, we can easily take off or put on the necessary amount of clothes to make our children feel comfortable.

Depending on the occasion and the weather, I pack more than enough clothes for the Little One. Clothes get soiled easily as children tend to play everywhere (and play with anything and everything even with their food). I think having a packing list will be truly helpful (Mental note to blog about that soon).

And if the Little One is not yet potty-trained, you'll need to pack diapers enough to last the entire trip or ask the receptionist as soon as you check-in where the nearest grocery or pharmacy to be able to get those diapers.

If potty-trained, then a traveling-potty should also be packed. We really like those padded potties that you fit on top of the regular toilets.  It's so handy and they come in many designs too.

I am sure we're all partial to certain soaps, shampoos, lotions, and toothpastes for our little ones. Bring them along especially if your child has sensitive skin. You'll never know what type of toiletries the hotel will provide.

Strollers, Prams, Baby Carriers

If you anticipate lots of walking, then bring a stroller/pram/baby carrier with you. Airlines allow strollers and prams to be checked-in at the gate so you can actually use them while at the airport and waiting for boarding time. Also, strollers and prams are one of the first things off the planes.  In some instances, as soon as you disembark, your stroller/pram is right outside the airplane doors right beside the wheelchairs. :-)

Toys/ Entertainment

Always bring a toy or something to entertain a child.  Children love to play. That's what they are meant to do!  There will be a lot of waiting in the airport, hotel lobby, inside the airplane, at the restaurant and even inside your hotel room, and a lonely child would become horrid when there is nothing to do.

I look out for other families with children too and try to encourage my Little One to play with the other children. If you're lucky, some airports even have play rooms.

If there are no children in sight, I carry small plastic toys, clay, pen and paper or even just bring out the car keys to engage the Little One while waiting.


Make sure that even the itinerary would be suitable for children.  There are many family-friendly hotels and resorts, you'll just have to find one.  I love hotels that have playrooms or family rooms where kids can play with toys and with each other while one or both parents can have some time to do adult things.

The swimming pool or the beach is always the biggest attraction! What child doesn't like to play with and in the water.  So bringing along inflatable toys and swimwear for both the child and yourself is a must.


Travel allows our family to collect memories instead of things. 

We want to raise a storyteller who will have more stories to share than things to show. 

Indeed, life is one great adventure.

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