Thursday, November 3, 2016

Five Home Remedies for Cough and Colds for Toddlers and Children

It is very difficult when the Little One gets sick. Now that the rainy season is upon us, the Little One has been down with either the colds or the cough or both.  In any case, it can be tough for us, moms, as usually the symptoms get worse during the night (or when the air conditioning unit is turned on).

I was a bit concerned that the Little One has been getting sick with cough and colds one after another that I already brought her to her pediatrician.  Thankfully, she only got the common cough and colds and would not need antibiotics for it.  Her pediatrician also assured me that children usually get 4 up to 10 incidence of cough and colds in a year. And by our count, we've only had 4 bouts this year. Hurrah for small victories!

To help her recover fast and to ease her symptoms, here are the 5 things that helped us:

1. Cold Air Humidifier

Coughing fits get worse during the night especially when the air is cold and dry.  A humidifier provides a bit of moisture in the air to facilitate breathing.

We really love Curtis the Cow! Isn't he cute? This humidifier does not need a filter so, just fill it up with distilled water so that the cold mist would be free from small dirt particles (and to prevent water stains from accumulating in the chamber).

Whenever we travel, we also bring along Crane's travel humidifier.  This small humidifier requires a filter so, you can just use tap water.  We never leave home without it as you'll never know if you'll end up with a stuffy hotel room or not. 

2. Honey

A lot of websites would say that any form of honey would be good for itchy throats.  And that is essentially true as it does provide relief and even tastes really good. (Note that you shouldn't be giving honey to  a child less than two years old.)

But not all honey are created equal! 

Manukau Honey from New Zealand are especially made with specific anti-bacterial properties.  So, not only does it tastes really well, smells really good, provides relief from itchy throats but also heals you with its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties.

3. Vapor Rub

This one might be a bit controversial. Old wives tale, they say.  But we have done this!  My Little One enjoys having her chest, back and soles of her feet rubbed.  She even says it tickles! And we eventually have a laughing fit over it.  So, yes, we love this little ritual! Plus the mentholated rub eases her stuffy nose!

4.  Nasal Spray/ Nebulizer/ Hot Shower or Hot Steam

When the Little One was an infant, it was pretty easy to just use the nasal spray on her. She would give a little twitch surprised by the quick spray of saline solution up her nostril and I could easily hold her down in my arms then. But now that she's grown, she doesn't really like the feeling of having a nasal spray jabbed at her nostrils. So, we have switched tactics and nebulize with 2.5ml. 0.9 NaCl solution (basically just salt dissolved in water).  While it takes more time to nebulize than to do the nasal spray, we take that extra time than not doing anything to help de-clog her nose from snots and mucous.

Another way is to have hot running water from the shower, lock the bathroom door and  create a steam.  Much like having your own sauna! Ha!Ha! Honestly, I have only done this twice when the Little One was still an infant.  I just can't bear the thought of all that water going to waste.

I remember as a child that my parents would boil water, place it in a basin, and instruct me to put my face over the water and then cover me with a towel. Come to think of it, it was like having a face spa done! It worked well for me then. And I am sure it would work well still. I just worry about the Little One being scalded so maybe we'll get to try this when the nebulizer isn't available and the Little One is a bit older.

5. Vitamin C and Zinc

Well, I am sure you know this already!

Vitamin C help shorten the duration of colds while Zinc helps the immune system fight the colds by boosting production of enzymes.

When the Little One is going down with something and I know her immune system is flagging, this is my go-to remedy! I make her drink and eat fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamins C and Zinc.  It may be a struggle for me to feed the Little One so I resort to supplements.  There are so many in the market these days but I am loyal to Ceelin Plus because the Little One loves its taste.

So, finally, let me leave you with this prayer:

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

3 John 1:2 (NIV)


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